洋金箔Brass Leaf
銅と亜鉛の合金である真鍮を使用した箔。明治中頃から輸入されてきたもので、真鍮箔 、丹銅箔とも言います。金色で、金箔の代用品としても重宝され、費用対効果が高いため現在は様々な場所で使われています。歴清社にてよく使われる代表的な箔です。
A brass leaf is an alloy of copper and zinc. It has been imported from the mid MEIJI era, and is also called Shinchuhaku or Tandohaku. The color is actually gold, so it is also useful as a substitute of gold. It currently has been used in various places because of the high cost-effectiveness. It is a typical leaf commonly used in Rekiseisha.