大和田 良「FORM」
Ryo Ohwada "FORM"
国内外から注目を集める気鋭の写真家、大和田 良氏が、さいたま市大宮盆栽美術館所蔵の盆栽を独自の手法で写真に収めた作品集『FORM』。撮影時の背景と同じ本銀箔を、さらに写真の上から再び施しているのが本作品の特徴ですが、その箔押しを担当しているのが歴清社です 。光琳や宗達など琳派の絵画的要素を取り入れながら、盆栽の新たな魅力を引き出したまさに注目作。日本の伝統美に新たな軌跡を残した作品と言えるでしょう。
“FORM,” the collected portfolio of bonsai which are at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama, captured by Photographer Ryo Owada who is a spirited photographer drawing an attention from all over the world. The feature of this portfolio is to use the silver leaf for the background of each photos and also for covering the photos itself over again. Rekiseisha is taking a part of titling process. It is a remarkable work drawing out the new charm of bonsai while incorporating the Rimpa’s painting elements such as Korin and Souton. It is the significant work which is leaving a new trajectory in Japanese traditional beauty.
大和田 良
写真家。ワインや盆栽など多様なモノを通して、文化や歴史、人の情熱といったテーマを作品に投影。2005年にはスイス・エリゼ美術館 「reGeneration.50 Photographers of Tomorrow」展に選出。 2011年日本写真協会賞新人賞受賞。
The photographer is shooting through various things such as wine and bonsai.
He also projects themes such as culture, history, and passion of people to his artwork.
He was selected to the Elysee Museum,
Swiss as “reGeneration.50 Photographers of Tomorrow”in 2005.
He also won “The Photographic Society of Japan Newcomer’s Award” in 2011.
Ryo OHWADA photographey