“Road of Gold Clouds” at JR Yokogawa Station
Yokogawa station is located two stations down from Hiroshima station. It is not famous, but a lot of people use here. The number of people getting on and off is the fourth in Chugoku and Shikoku area and it is the nearest station from Rekiseisha. “Road of Gold Clouds” is an access road between the north gate and the south gate. Now everyone can walk through it but it had been used for only the transportation of packages. The width is narrow and there is no window, moreover the wall is just white. It was really bare before. The association of Yokogawa shopping arcade planed the revitalization and refurbished it. “Road of Gold Clouds” appeared. It is designed by students who belongs to an art faculty of Hiroshima City University. They had a concept, “Giving the seasons to the closed space”. There are a lot of clouds throughout the seasons and the rich faces of clouds show in an impersonal space. An idea of using our brass leaf sheet came from the students. It is the first time for Rekiseisha to install our product in such a daily space. We appreciate giving a nice suggestion. We hope metallic leaf is not only special material but also a material that takes root in our life. “Road of Gold Clouds” became such a commemorative place for us.
Photography : Kohei Tatsutomi Writing : Jun Namekata