
House In Koi


多くの飲食店やホテルなどで歴清社の箔壁紙は採用されていますが、その用途は大きな施設に限ったものではありません。今回ご紹介するのは広島市街にある個人邸。築50年の木造二階建ての一軒家をフルリノベーションするにあたり取り入れられた事例のご紹介です。この「己斐の家」では、部屋数が多かった2階部分を、3人暮らしに最適な数に減らし、その分できた空間を1階からの吹き抜けに活用。開口部の側面に『Bark 樹皮』という箔壁紙をあしらっています。さらに、その開口部の真下にあるキッチンの側面にも箔壁紙を採用。こちらは同じ銅をベースにしながらも表情の違う『大箔散らし』が使われました。「床のチーク材との相性を考えて今回は銅箔を採用しました。開口部はよく陽の光が当たるので陰影が生まれる『樹皮』。キッチンはランダムなデザインで和っぽくなりすぎない『大箔散らし』。『大箔散らし』は水に濡れても大丈夫なようにラミネート加工を施しています」と建築家の小松隼人さんの言葉。さらに小松さんは次のようにも語ってくれました。「費用も手間もかかる箔をこんなに簡単に身近に活用できるのは驚きでした。しかも壁だけではなく家具などにも貼ることができる。デザインの新しい可能性を感じます」。箔壁紙がもたらす豊かな生活空間。これはその素晴らしい成功例のひとつです。

Our metallic leaf wallpaper is installed at many restaurants and hotels, but it is not limited to use at large facilities. This time, we will introduce a private residence in Hiroshima city. It is an example that was taken in the full renovation of a wooden two-story house of 50 years old. “House in Koi” had four rooms at the second floor and the rooms were reduced to the two rooms for three people. Then, the open ceiling space was created. The side of the opening was decorated with metallic leaf wallpaper called “Bark”. In addition, metallic leaf wallpaper was also installed on the side of the kitchen directly below the opening. This was the same copper leaf, but with a different design. “In view of the compatibility with the teak on the floor, we use copper leaf this time, and the opening is well shaded because the sunlight shines. The kitchen part has a random design and does not become too Japanese look”. It is laminated so that it is safe to get wet with water,” says architect Hayato Komatsu. Mr. Komatsu also talked about it as follows. “It is surprising that it is so easy to use foils which cost and take time and effort, and it is possible to put it not only on the walls but also on furniture. I feel the new possibilities of design.” A rich living space brought about by metallic leaf wallpaper. This is one of the great successes.


RR01-35 Bark 樹皮

RSC-009 銅箔(大箔散らし)

Architect:Hayato Komatsu

Photography:Toshiyuki Yano Writing:Jun Namekata

第25回 ぐっとずっと。エネルギア住宅作品コンテスト リフォーム住宅部門 優秀賞受賞