ホテルニューオータニ幕張 山茶花 「荒磯の間」
Hotel New Otani Makuhari Sazanaka "Araiso"
Hotel New Otani Makuhari “Sazanaka” is a restaurant where you can actually enjoy the seasonality of food with the delicate Japanese cuisine. It is very popular as its interior with the full of Japanese traditional beauty, and Rekiseisha’s leaf papers are plentifully used in one of the rooms called “Araiso.”It is a private room made of a brass leaf to the ceiling and sliding doors. It is just like a golden room. Even to the back wall, a silver leaf is also used. It is one of the places in Japan where you can enjoy “wa”-Japanese culture- and the luxury of Japan.
ホテルニューオータニ幕張 山茶花 TEL:043-299-1849 千葉市美浜区ひび野2-120-3