銀座 久兵衛
In the area of well-established sushi bars in Ginza Tokyo, there is an exceptionally long-established and well-known sushi bar called KYUBEY found in 1935. It is known for its taste, but also for its modern building and interiors. They received the Excellence Award of the Tokyo Architectural Award. For its interior of KYUBEY, Rekiseisha’s leaf papers have been used. The silver leaf and the chemical silver blue leaf which is made of smoking silver leaf are on the walls over the counter. For the doors of its elevator, chemical silver pink leaf which is made of smoking silver leaf and the brass leaf are used sumptuously. You see Japanese aesthetic and the artistic charm of the leaf paper modestly shown in its space.
銀座 久兵衛 TEL:03-3571-6523 東京都中央区銀座8-7-6